#1 Investing in Human Capital

This inaugural podcast of “Uncommon Voices, Uncommon Visions,” speaks to the importance of investing in education, specifically educational workers such as teachers, counselors, engagement specialists, para-educators, custodians, secretaries, administrators, food service workers, and the multitude of others who contribute to schools and the educational process.  (Find podcast here: https://bit.ly/3tz21Zr) In this way, those adults can invest in the students and their families and the broader community.  This will enable us to create communities of practice wherein we maintain the classical view of seeing “Education [as] the cultivation of wisdom and virtue” as we strive to infuse a 21st Century Education with the following attributes:  connectedness, digitally based, contextually situated, requiring creativity and critical thinking; provides socialization – from parts to whole; creates the ability to discern micro and macro details; and the ability to be agile and adaptive.

Here is the link to my presentation: https://bit.ly/3IbKnyT 


#2: Humanizing Educators & Education Spaces


The Burden