#7 Implicit Bias Training During Polarizing Times

The world is changing. Most people can agree about this.  How each of us responds is part of the current challenge in our society.  In Episode 7, (Anchor, YouTube) Civil Rights lawyer Thomas Newkirk and I discuss Implicit Bias training, his approach and five common barriers people experience to this work.  Educators, as some of the most taken-for-granted, highly important positions in our society, engaging in these efforts to understand how to create better processes, policies, and experiences for all that are truly inclusive, requires some personal work of our own.  Mr. Newkirk aptly describes his impetus and motivations for engaging in implicit bias training in schools, law enforcements, and other entities across Iowa, while also providing a distinction between racism and bias.


Project Implicit (Harvard peer reviewed study)

An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy (volumes I and II) by Gunnar Myrdal

Leon Litwack:

North of Slavery: The Negro in the Free States 1790-1860 

Been in the Storm So Long: The Aftermath of Slavery

Trouble in Mind: Black Southerners in the Age of Jim Crow


#8 Me, Myself, and I


#6 To Be Young, Black, a Single Mother and Doctoral Candidate